
Scopes source code is written in a notation that introduces syntactic rules even before the first function is even written: Scopes List Notation, abbreviated SLN.

Closely related to S-Expressions, SLN can be regarded as a human-readable serialization format comparable to YAML, XML or JSON. It has been optimized for simplicity and terseness.

SLN files do not have to contain valid Scopes source code on their own--they are more likely to store configuration or metadata. As a result, the examples in this document should be regarded as schema-free and containing arbitrary data.

At a Glance#

As a summary, here is an example that provides an overview of all the notation aspects:

# below is some random data without any schema

# a nude list of five 32-bit signed integers
1 2 3 4 5

# a list that begins with a symbol 'float-values:' and contains a bracket
# sublist of floats.
float-values: (1.0 2.0 3.1 4.2 5.5:f64 inf nan)

# we can also nest the sublist using indentation
# note the extravagant heading, another context-free symbol.
    "A" "B" "NCC-1701\n" "\xFFD\xFF" "\"E\""

# a single top-level element, a single-line string
"I am Locutus of Borg."

# a raw block string; four double quotes mark the start
    Ma'am is acceptable in a crunch, but I prefer Captain.
                                    -- Kathryn Janeway

# a list of pairs (also lists), arranged horizontally
(1 x) (2 y) (3 z)
# same list, with last two entries arranged vertically
(1 x)
    (2 y)
    (3 z)
# we can line up all entries by using a semicolon to indicate an empty head
    (1 x)
    (2 y)
    (3 z)
# parentheses can also be removed for each line entry
    1 x
    2 y
    3 z

# appending values to the parent list in the next line
symbol-values one two three four five \
    six seven-of-nine ten

# line continuation can also begin at the start of the next line
::typed-integers:: 0:u8 1:i8 2:i16 3:u16
    \ 4:u32 5:i32 6:u64 7:i64

# which comes in handy when we want to continue the parent list
people like
    jim kirk
    commander spock
    hikari sulu
    \ and many more

# a list with a symbol header and two entries
    # a list with a header and three more lists of two values each
        name: "Jean-Luc Picard"
        age: 59
        # the semicolon acts as list separator
        name: "Worf, Son of Mogh"; age: 24; address:
    # line comments double as block comments
        name: "Natasha Yar"
        age: 27

# the same list with bracket notation; within bracket lists,
    indentation is meaningless.
    # a list with a header and three more lists of two values each
        (name: "Jean-Luc Picard")
        (age: 59)
    (entry (name: "Worf, Son of Mogh") (age: 24)

# a list of comma separated values - a comma is always recorded as
    a separate symbol, so the list has nine entries
1, 2, 3,4, 5

# a list of options beginning with a symbol in a list with
    square bracket style
    cmd = "bash"
    # the last element is a symbol in a list with curly bracket style
    working-dir = {project-base}

Formatting Rules#

SLN files are always assumed to be encoded as UTF-8.

Whitespace controls scoping in the SLN format. Therefore, to avoid possible ambiguities, SLN files must always use spaces, and one indentation level equals four spaces.

Element Types#

SLN recognizes only five kinds of elements:

  • Numbers
  • Strings
  • Symbols
  • Lists
  • Comments


Comments are not part of the data structure.


Both line and block comments are initiated with a single token, #. A comment lasts from its beginning token to the first non-whitespace character with an equal or lower indentation level. Some examples of valid comments:

# a line comment
not a comment
# a block comment that continues
    in the next line because the line has
    a higher indentation level. Note, that
        comments do not need to respect
    indentation rules
but this line is not a comment


Strings describe sequences of unsigned 8-bit characters in the range of 0-255. A string begins and ends with " (double quotes). The \ escape character can be used to include quotes in a string and describe unprintable control characters such as \n (return) and \t (tab). Other unprintable characters can be encoded via \xNN, where NN is the character's hexadecimal code. Strings are parsed as-is, so UTF-8 encoded strings will be copied over verbatim.

Here are some examples of valid strings:

"a single-line string in double quotations"
"return: \n, tab: \t, backslash: \\, double quote: \", nbsp: \xFF."

Raw Block Strings#

Raw block strings provide a way to quote multiple lines of text with characters that should not be escaped. A raw block string begins with """" (four double quotes). A raw block string ends at the first newline before a printable character that has a lower indentation.

Here are some examples of valid raw block strings:

""""a single-line string as a block string
# commented line inbetween
""""// a multi-line string that describes a valid C function
    #include <stdio.h>
    void a_function_in_c() {
        printf("hello world\n");


Like strings, a symbol describes a sequence of 8-bit characters, but acts as a label or bindable name. Symbols may contain any character from the UTF-8 character set and terminate when encountering any character from the set #;()[]{},. A symbol always terminates when one of these characters is encountered. Any symbol that parses as a number is also excluded. Two symbols sharing the same sequence of characters always map to the same value.

As a special case, , is always parsed as a single character.

Here are some examples of valid symbols:

# classic underscore notation
some_identifier _some_identifier
# hyphenated
# mixed case
# fantasy operators
&+ >~ >>= and= str+str
# numbered
_42 =303


Numbers come in two forms: integers and reals. The parser understands integers in the range -(2^63) to 2^64-1 and records them as signed 32-bit values unless the value is too big, in which case it will be extended to 64-bit signed, then 64-bit unsigned. Reals are floating point numbers parsed and stored as IEEE-754 binary32 values.

Numbers can be explicitly specified to be of a certain type by appending a : to the number as well as a numerical typename that is one of: i8, i16, i32, i64, u8, u16, u32, u64, f32 or f64.

Here are some examples of valid numbers:

# positive and negative integers in decimal and hexadecimal notation
0 +23 42 -303 12 -1 -0x20 0xAFFE
# positive and negative reals
0.0 1.0 3.14159 -2.0 0.000003 0xa400.a400
# reals in scientific notation
1.234e+24 -1e-12
# special reals
+inf -inf nan
# zero as unsigned 64-bit integer and as signed 8-bit integer
0:u64 0:i8
# a floating-point number with double precision


Lists are the only nesting type, and can be either scoped by brackets or indentation. For brackets, (), [] and {} are accepted.

Lists can be empty or contain a virtually unlimited number of elements, only separated by whitespace. They typically describe expressions in Scopes.

Here are some examples of valid lists:

# a list of numbers in nude format
1 2 3 4 5
# three empty bracket lists within a nude list
() () ()
# a list containing a symbol, a string, an integer, a real, and an empty list
(print (.. "hello world") 303 606 909)
# three nesting lists

Nude & Bracket Lists#

Every Scopes source file is parsed as a tree of expresion lists.

The classic notation (what we will call bracket notation) uses a syntax close to what Lisp and Scheme authors know as restricted S-expressions:

    (.. "Hello" "World")
    303 606 909)

As a modern alternative, Scopes offers a nude notation where the scope of lists is implicitly balanced by indentation, an approach used by Python, Haskell, YAML, Sass and many other languages.

This source parses as the same list in the previous, bracket example:

# The same list as above, but in nude format.
    A sub-paragraph continues the list.
    # elements on a single line with or without sub-paragraph are wrapped
        in a list.
    .. "Hello" "World"

    # values that should not be wrapped have to be prefixed with an
        escape token which causes a continuation of the parent list
    \ 303 606 909

Mixing Notations#

Nude lists can contain bracket lists, and bracket lists can contain nude lists:

# compute the value of (1 + 2 + (3 * 4)) and print the result
    (+ 1 2
        (3 * 4)))

# the same list in nude notation.
    indented lists are appended to the parent list:
    + 1 2
        3 * 4

# any part of a nude list can be bracket
    + 1 2 (3 * 4)

# and a bracket list can contain nude parts.
    the escape character \ enters nude notation at its indentation level.
    (+ 1 2
        \ 3 * 4) # parsed as (+ 1 2 (3 * 4))

Nude notation is strongly encouraged as it is more convenient for authors without specialized editors to write and balancing parentheses can be challenging for beginners. However, purists and Scheme enthusiasts may prefer to work with bracket notation almost exclusively. As a result, Scopes' reference documentation describes all available symbols in bracket notation, while code examples make ample use of nude notation.

Bracket Styles#

In addition to regular parentheses (), SLN parses curly {} and square [] bracket styles. They are merely meant for providing variety for writing SLN-based formats, and are expanded to simple lists during parsing. Some examples:

[a b c d]
# expands to
(\[\] a b c d)

{1 2 3 4}
# expands to
(\{\} 1 2 3 4)

List Separators#

Nude lists support a special control character, the list separator ; (semicolon). Used similarly as a statement separator in other languages, it groups atoms into separate lists and allows the omission of required parentheses or lines in complex trees.

In addition, it is possible to list-wrap the first element of a list in nude notation by starting the head of the block with ;.

In bracket notation, ; will be inserted as a standalone symbol, similarly to , (comma).

Here is an example:

# in bracket notation
(print a; print (a;b;); print c;)
# parses as
(print a ; print (a ; b ;) ; print c ;)

# in nude notation
    print a; print b
        print c; print d
# parses as
((print a) (print b) ((print c) (print d)))

Pitfalls of Nude Notation#

As nude notation gives the author the freedom to care less about parentheses, it also takes away. The following section discusses small challenges that might be encountered when using nude notation and how to resolve them.

Single Elements#

Special care must be taken when single elements are defined when the author wants to wrap them in a list.

Here is a bracket list describing an expression printing the number 42:

(print 42)

The nude equivalent declares two elements in a single line, which are implicitly wrapped in a single list:

print 42

A single element on its own line is not wrapped:

print           # (print
    42          #        42)

What if we want to just print a newline, passing no arguments?:

print           # print

The statement above will be ignored because a symbol is resolved but not called. One can make use of the ; (split-statement) control character, which ends the current list:

print;          # (print)

Continuation Lines#

There are often situations when a high number of elements in a list interferes with best practices of formatting source code and exceeds the line column limit (typically 80 or 100).

In bracket lists, the problem is easily corrected:

# import many symbols from an external module into the active namespace
(import-from "OpenGL"
    glDrawArrays glEnable glDisable GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP)

The nude approach interprets each new line as a nested list:

# produces runtime errors
import-from "OpenGL"
    glDrawArrays glEnable glDisable GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP

# bracket equivalent of the term above; each line is interpreted
# as a function call and fails.
(import-from "OpenGL"
    (glDrawArrays glEnable glDisable GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP))

This can be fixed by using the splice-line control character, \:

# correct solution using splice-line, postfix-style
import-from "OpenGL" \
    glDrawArrays glEnable glDisable GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP

Unlike in other languages, and as previously demonstrated, \ splices at the token level rather than the character level, and can also be placed at the beginning of nested lines, where the parent is still the active list:

# correct solution using the splice-line control character '\', prefix-style
import-from "OpenGL"
    \ glDrawArrays glEnable glDisable GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP

Tail Splicing#

Nude notation is ideal for writing nested lists that accumulate at the tail:

# bracket
(a b c
    (d e f
        (g h i))
    (j k l))

# nude
a b c
    d e f
        g h i
    j k l

However, there are complications when additional elements need to be spliced back into the parent list:

(a b c
    (d e f
        (g h i))
    j k l)

Once again, we can reuse the splice-line control character \ to get what we want:

a b c
    d e f
        g h i
    \ j k l

Left-Hand Nesting#

When using infix notation, conditional blocks, or functions producing functions, lists occur that nest at the head level rather than the tail:

((((a b)
    c d)
        e f)
            g h)

The equivalent nude notation version makes extensive use of list separator and splice-line characters to describe the same tree:

# equivalent structure
            a b
            \ c d
        \ e f
    \ g h

A more complex tree which also requires splicing elements back into the parent list can be implemented with the same combination of list separator and splice-line characters:

# bracket
        (c d)) e)
    f g
    (h i))

# nude
            c d
        \ e
    \ f g
    h i

While this example demonstrates the versatility of the splice-line and list separator characters, use of partially bracket notation may be easier to read.

As usual, the best format is the one that fits the context.