The Scopes Tutorial#

This tutorial does not attempt to cover every single feature, but focuses on Scopes' most noteworthy features to give you a good idea of the language’s flavor and style. After reading it, you will be able to read and write Scopes modules and programs.

Using the Scopes Live Compiler#

After downloading and unpacking the latest release of Scopes, the easiest way to start it is to simply launch the executable shipped with the archive. It is usually located in the root directory, and on Unix-compatible systems it can simply be started from the terminal with:

$ ./scopes

On Windows, and on systems where Scopes has been installed system-wide, it can be started from the command line without the preceding dot:

> scopes

Interactive Console#

When scopes is launched without arguments, it enters an interactive read-eval-print loop (REPL), also called a console. Here is an example:

$ ./scopes
   \\\    Scopes 0.14 (Apr 17 2019, 19:43:48)
///  \\\  
$0 ▶


At the time of writing, some console emulators such as Mintty (used by default by the MSYS2 shell applications) may not display the Interactive Console's output properly. Windows users are advised to use the -defterm option when running the MSYS2 shell applications, or install ConEmu and change them to use the -conemu option instead.

Simple expressions can be written on a single line, followed by hitting the return key:

$0 ▶ print "hello world"
hello world
$0 ▶

Multiline expressions can be entered by trailing the first line with a space character, and exited by entering nothing on the last line:

$0 ▶ print#put a space here
....     "yes"
....     "this"
....     "is"
....     "dog"
yes this is dog
$0 ▶

Entering a value binds it to the name indicated by the prompt, and can then be reused:

$0 ▶ 3
$0 = 3
$1 ▶ print $0
$1 ▶

A special keyboard shortcut (Control+D) at the prompt exits the program. You can also exit the program by typing exit; followed by hitting the return key.


Most of the time you would like to use Scopes to compile and execute your own written Scopes programs. This is simply done by appending the name of the Scopes file you would like to launch to the executable:

$ scopes path/to/my/

A Fistful of Scopes#

Many of the examples in this tutorial include comments, even those entered at the console. Comments in Scopes start with a hash character # and extend to the first line starting with a character at a lower or equal indentation.

Some examples:

# this is the first comment
print "hey!" # and this is a second comment
               and a third, continuing on the same indentation
let str = "# hash characters inside string quotes do not count as comments"

Using Scopes as a Calculator#

Scopes is not only a fully-fledged compiler infrastructure, but also works nicely as a comfy calculator:

$0 ▶ 1 + 2 + 3
$0 = 6
$1 ▶ 23 + 2 * 21
$1 = 65
$2 ▶ (23 + 2 * 21) / 5
$2 = 13.0
$3 ▶ 8 / 5 # all divisions return a floating point number
$3 = 1.6

Integer numbers like 6 or 65 have type i32, real numbers with a fractional part like 13.0 or 1.6 have type f32.


You will likely notice that if the whitespace characters between the operators and numbers are omitted that the Interactive Console will display an error when evaluating the expression. For example:

$0 ▶ 1+2+3
<string>:1:1: while expanding
error: syntax: identifier '1+2+3' is not declared in scope. Did you mean 'u32', 'f128', 'f32',
'i32', '+' or '+='?

This is because symbol identifiers in Scopes may contain any character from the UTF-8 character set except whitespace characters and characters from the set ()[]{}"';#,, where , is in itself a context-free symbol. See Notation for details.

Division always returns a real number. On the off-chance that you want an integer result without the fractional part, use the floor division operator //:

$0 ▶ 23 / 3 # regular division returns a real
$0 = 7.666667
$1 ▶ 23 // 3 # floor division returns an integer
$1 = 7
$2 ▶ 23 % 3 # modulo returns the remainder
$2 = 2
$3 ▶ $1 * 3 + $2 # result * divisor + remainder
$3 = 23

Binding Names#

Notice how the last example leveraged the auto-memorization function of the console to bind any result to a name for reuse. But we can also make use of let to bind values to specific names:

$0 ▶ let width = 23
$0 ▶ let height = 42
$0 ▶ width * height
$0 = 966

If a name is not bound to anything, using it will give you an error, which is useful when you've just mistyped it:

$0 ▶ let color = "red"
$0 ▶ colour
<string>:1:1: while expanding
error: syntax: identifier 'colour' is not declared in scope. Did you mean 'color'?


Life can be tedious and boring at times. Why not perform some string operations to pass the time? We start with some light declarations of string literals:

$0 ▶ "make it so" # every string is wrapped in double quotes
$0 = "make it so"
$1 ▶ "\"make it so!\", he said" # nested quotes need to be escaped
$1 = "\"make it so!\", he said"
$2 ▶ "'make it so!', he said" # single quotes are no problem though
$2 = "'make it so!', he said"
$3 ▶ """"1. make it so
            2. ???
            3. profit!
$3 = "1. make it so\n2. ???\n3. profit!\n"

In the interactive console output, the output string is enclosed in quotes and special characters are escaped with backslashes, to match the way the string has been declared. Sometimes this might look a little different from the input, but the strings are equivalent. The print function produces a more readable output that produces the intended look:

$0 ▶ print "make it so"
make it so
$0 ▶ print "\"make it so!\", he said"
"make it so!", he said
$0 ▶ print """"1. "make it so!", he said
                2. ???
                3. profit!"
1. "make it so!", he said
2. ???
3. profit!

Sometimes it is necessary to join several strings into one. Strings can be joined with the .. operator:

$0 ▶ "Sco" .. "pes" .. "!" # joining three strings together
$0 = "Scopes!"
$1 ▶ .. "Sco" "pes" "!" # using prefix notation
$1 = "Scopes!"

The inverse operation, slicing strings, can be performed with the lslice, rslice and slice operations:

$0 ▶ "scopes" # bind the string we are working on to $0
$0 = "scopes"
$1 ▶ rslice $0 1 # slice right side starting at the second character
$1 = "copes"
$2 ▶ slice $0 1 5 # slice four letters from the center
$2 = "cope"
$3 ▶ lslice $0 ((countof $0) - 1) # a negative index selects from the back
$3 = "scope"
$4 ▶ rslice $0 ((countof $0) - 2) # get the last two characters
$4 = "es"
$5 ▶ slice $0 2 3 # get the center character
$5 = "o"

One way to remember how slices work is to think of the indices as pointing between characters, with the left edge of the first character numbered 0. Then the right edge of the last character of a string of n characters has index n, for example:

| S | c | o | p | e | s |
0   1   2   3   4   5   6

If we are interested in the byte value of a single character from a string, we can use the @ operator, also called the at-operator, to extract it:

$0 ▶ "abc" @ 0
$0 = 97:i8
$1 ▶ "abc" @ 1
$1 = 98:i8
$2 ▶ "abc" @ 2
$2 = 99:i8
$3 ▶ "abc" @ ((countof "abc") - 1) # get the last character
$3 = 99:i8

The countof operation returns the byte length of a string:

$2 ▶ countof "six"
$2 = 3:usize
$3 ▶ countof "three"
$3 = 5:usize
$4 ▶ countof "five"
$4 = 4:usize

A Mild Breeze of Programming#

Many calculations require repeating an operation several times, and of course Scopes can also do that. For instance, here is one of the typical examples for such a task, computing the first few numbers of the fibonacci sequence:

$0 ▶ loop (a b = 0 1)
....     if (b < 10)
....         print b
....         repeat b (a + b)
....     else
....         break b
$0 = 13

In Scopes, indentation is how the grouping of statements is determined which is why the conditional block is indented. A tab or four spaces must start each indented line within the block. Additionally, each line within a block must be indented by the same amount.


When entering a block of statements in the Interactive Console, a space must be entered at the end of the line that starts the block.

This example introduces several new features:

  • The first line declares the entry point of a loop so we can jump back (see the fourth line), bind new values to a and b, and perform the same operations again. The first line also performs multiple assignments at the same time. a is initially bound to 0, while b is initialized to 1:

    $0 ▶ loop (a b = 0 1)
  • On the second line, we perform a conditional operation. That is, the indented block formed by lines three and four is only executed if the expression (b < 10) evaluates to true. In other words: we are going to be performing the loop as long as b is smaller than 10:

    ....     if (b < 10)


    Scopes offers a set of comparison operators for all basic types. You can compare any two numbers using < (less than), > (greater than), == (equal to), <= (less than or equal to), >= (greater than or equal to) and != (not equal to).

  • On line 4, the loop will be repeated with a bound to the value of b, while b will be bound to the result of calculating (a + b):

    ....         repeat b (a + b)
  • On line 5, we introduce the alternative block to be executed when b is greater or equal to 10:

    ....     else
  • On line 6, we break from the loop, returning the final value of b:

    ....         break b

Controlling Flow#

Let us get a little deeper into ways you can structure control flow in Scopes.

if Expressions#

You have seen a small bit of if in that fibonacci example. if is your go-to solution for any task that requires the program to make decisions. Another example:

$0 ▶ sc_prompt "please enter a word: " ""
please enter a word: bang
$0 $1 = true "bang"
$2 ▶ if ($1 < "n")
....     print "early in the dictionary, good choice!"
.... elseif ($1 == "scopes")
....     print "oh, a very good word!"
.... elseif ($1 == "")
....     print "that is no word at all!"
.... else
....     print "late in the dictionary, nice!"
early in the dictionary, good choice!

You can also use if to decide on an expression:

$0 ▶ let chosen = true
$0 ▶ print "you chose"
....     if x
....         "poorly"
....     elseif
....         "wisely"
you chose poorly

Defining Functions#

Let us generalize the fibonacci example from earlier to a function that can write numbers from the fibonacci sequence up to an arbitrary boundary:

$0 ▶ fn fib (n) # write Fibonacci series up to n
....     loop (a b = 0 1)
....         if (a < n)
....             io-write! (repr a)
....             io-write! " "
....             repeat b (a + b)
....         else
....             io-write! "\n"
....             break b
$0 ▶ fib 2000 # call the function we just defined
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597
$0 = 4181

The keyword fn introduces a function definition. It must be followed by an optional name and a list of formal parameters. All expressions that follow form the body of the function and it is good taste to indent them.

Executing (also called applying) a function binds the passed arguments to its formal parameters and performs the actions within the function with that argument standing in.

In this example, n is bound to 2000, all instances of n in the body of fib are replaced with 2000, and therefore the loop is executed until the condition a < 2000 is true.