Getting Started#


You can either download a binary distribution of Scopes from the website or build Scopes from source.

The main repository for scopes is on sourcehut.

Note: any reference to scopes-repo in the instructions refers to wherever you have checked out the Scopes source tree.

Building Scopes on Windows#

Scopes only supports the MSYS2/mingw64 toolchain for the foreseeable future.

  • Install MSYS2 and install the make package, as well as mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-python, and mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-python-pip to make the docs.
  • first mingw64/bin, then usr/bin from your MSYS2 installation must be added to the PATH variable so that eo and the buildscript can find MSYS2 and run on the correct Python version (64 bit (AMD64), not cygwin).
  • To check out the repository, also install mercurial
  • Nice to have for debugging later: mingw-w64-x86_64-gdb
  • Launch bash in the workspace folder, then run ./ This will pull and build all additional dependencies, and then build the project itself.
  • There should now be a scopes.exe executable in the bin folder.
  • For a fresh rebuild, just remove the build directory before running ./ again.

Building Scopes on Linux#

  • You need python 3.8 or later installed and in your $PATH. A build environment should also be installed, e.g. build-essential on debian-likes.
  • In the workspace folder, run ./ This will pull and build all additional dependencies, and then build the project itself.
  • There should now be a scopes executable in the bin folder.
  • For a fresh rebuild, just remove the build directory before running ./ again.

Building Scopes on macOS#

  • Scopes builds on macOS Mojave (10.14) using LLVM 13.0.x.
  • You'll need the following packages from brew: llvm and cmake. Scopes' build system respects brew's standard installation paths.
  • Alternatively, provide your own clang distribution and symlink it to scopes-repo/clang.
  • Put llvm-config in your $PATH. Find it in $(brew --prefix llvm)/bin if using brew.
  • You'll also need an installation of the Xcode Command Line Tools: xcode-select --install.
  • You may also need to force installation of the macOS SDK headers: Open macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg found in /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages
  • You also need the latest source distributions of SPIRV-Tools and SPIRV-Cross checked out or symlinked into the workspace folder.
  • Lastly, you need a build of GENie (binaries available on the page).
  • Check SPIRV-Tools' build instructions to verify that its dependency on SPIRV-Headers is satisfied, and all other dependencies are up-to-date. Build SPIRV-Tools using mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && make in scopes-repo/SPIRV-Tools/build.
  • SPIRV-Cross does not have to be built.
  • In the workspace folder, run genie gmake once to generate the project Makefiles.
  • To build in debug mode, run make -C build. For release mode, use make -C build config=release. Use the option -j4 to speed up the build on a multicore machine, where 4 is a sensible number of CPU hardware threads to use.
  • There should now be a scopes executable in the bin folder.
  • For the clang bridge to work properly, copy or symlink $(llvm-config --prefix)/lib/clang/$(llvm-config --version)/include to scopes-repo/lib/clang/include.
  • For a fresh rebuild, just remove the build directory before running make again.