
This module implements a key -> value store using hashtables.

type Map

An opaque type of supertype Struct.

inline __as ( cls T )
fn __copy ( self )
inline __countof ( self )
fn __drop ( self )
inline __rin ( ... )
inline __tobool ( self )
inline __typecall ( cls opts... )
fn clear ( self )
fn discard ( self key )

Erases a key -> value association from the map; if the map does not contain this key, nothing happens.

fn dump ( self )
fn get ( self key )

Returns the value associated with key or raises an error.

fn getdefault ( self key value )

Returns the value associated with key or raises an error.

fn in? ( self key )
fn pop ( self key )

Erases a key -> value association from the map and pops the old value

fn set ( self key value )

Inserts a new key -> value association into map; key can be the output of any custom hash function. If the key already exists, it will be updated.

fn terseness ( self )

Computes the hashmap load as a normal between 0.0 and 1.0.

type MapError

An unique type of supertype Enum and of storage type (tuple u8 (tuple (vector i8 1))).

inline __== ( A B )
fn __copy ( self )
fn __drop ( self )
fn __hash ( self )
inline __repr ( self )
inline __tostring ( self )