
Provides mutable array types that store their elements on the heap rather than in registers or the stack.

type Array

An opaque type of supertype Struct.

inline __== ( ... )
fn __@ ( self index )

Implements support for the @ operator. Returns a view reference to the element at index of array self.

inline __as ( cls T )

Implements support for the as operator. Arrays can be cast to Generator, or directly passed to for.

fn __copy ( self )

Implements support for the copy operation.

inline __countof ( self )

Implements support for the countof operator. Returns the current number of elements stored in self as a value of usize type.

fn __drop ( self )

Implements support for freeing the array's memory when it goes out of scope.

inline __imply ( cls T )

Implements support for pointer casts, to pass the array to C functions for example.

inline __typecall ( cls element-type capacity )

Construct a mutable array type of element-type with a variable or fixed maximum capacity.

If capacity is defined, then it specifies the maximum number of array elements permitted. If it is undefined, then an initial capacity of 16 elements is assumed, which is doubled whenever it is exceeded, allowing for an indefinite number of elements.

fn append ( self value )

Append value as an element to the array self and return a reference to the new element. When the array is of GrowingArray type, this operation will transparently resize the array's storage.

fn clear ( self )

Clear the array and reset its element count to zero. This will drop all elements that have been previously contained by the array.

inline emplace-append ( self args... )

Construct a new element with arguments args... directly in a newly assigned slot of array self. When the array is of GrowingArray type, this operation will transparently resize the array's storage.

inline emplace-append-many ( self size args... )

Construct a new element with arguments args... directly in a newly assigned slot of array self. When the array is of GrowingArray type, this operation will transparently resize the array's storage.

type insert

Insert value at index into the array self and return a reference to the new element. When the array is of GrowingArray type, this operation will transparently resize the array's storage. This operation offsets the index of each following element by 1. If index is omitted, insert operates like append.

fn last ( self )
fn pop ( self )

Remove element with highest index from array self and return it.

inline predicated-sort ( self predicate ... )

Sort elements of array self from smallest to largest, either using the < operator supplied by the element type, or by using the predicate supplied by the callable predicate, which takes two arguments and is expected to return true if the first argument is smaller than the second one.

fn remove ( self index )

Remove element at index from array self and return it. This operation offsets the index of each following element by -1.

fn resize ( self count args... )

Resize the array to the specified count. Items are appended or removed to meet the desired count.

inline sort ( self key ... )

Sort elements of array self from smallest to largest, either using the < operator supplied by the element type, or by using the key supplied by the callable key, which is expected to return a comparable value for each element value supplied.

fn swap ( self a b )

Safely swap the contents of two indices.

type FixedArray

An opaque type of supertype Array.

fn __repr ( self )

Implements support for the repr operation.

inline __typecall ( cls opts... )
inline capacity ( self )

Returns the maximum capacity of array self, which is fixed.

fn reserve ( self count )

Internally used by the type. Ensures that array self can hold at least count elements. A fixed array will raise an assertion when its capacity has been exceeded.

type GrowingArray

An opaque type of supertype Array.

fn __repr ( self )

Implements support for the repr operation.

inline __typecall ( cls opts... )
inline capacity ( self )

Returns the current maximum capacity of array self.

fn reserve ( self count )

Internally used by the type. Ensures that array self can hold at least count elements. A growing array will always attempt to comply.