
These names are bound in every fresh module and main program by default. Essential symbols are created by the compiler, and subsequent utility functions, macros and types are defined and documented in

The core module implements the remaining standard functions and macros, parses the command-line and optionally enters the REPL.

define backslash-char

A constant of type i8.

define barrier-kind-control

A constant of type i32.

define barrier-kind-memory

A constant of type i32.

define barrier-kind-memory-buffer

A constant of type i32.

define barrier-kind-memory-group

A constant of type i32.

define barrier-kind-memory-image

A constant of type i32.

define barrier-kind-memory-shared

A constant of type i32.

define cache-dir

A constant of type string.

define compile-flag-O0

A constant of type u64.

define compile-flag-O1

A constant of type u64.

define compile-flag-O2

A constant of type u64.

define compile-flag-O3

A constant of type u64.

define compile-flag-cache

A constant of type u64.

define compile-flag-dump-disassembly

A constant of type u64.

define compile-flag-dump-function

A constant of type u64.

define compile-flag-dump-module

A constant of type u64.

define compile-flag-dump-time

A constant of type u64.

define compile-flag-module

A constant of type u64.

define compile-flag-no-debug-info

A constant of type u64.

define compiler-dir

A string containing the folder path to the compiler environment. Typically the compiler environment is the folder that contains the bin folder containing the compiler executable.

define compiler-file-kind-asm

A constant of type i32.

define compiler-file-kind-bc

A constant of type i32.

define compiler-file-kind-llvm

A constant of type i32.

define compiler-file-kind-object

A constant of type i32.

define compiler-path

A string constant containing the file path to the compiler executable.

define compiler-timestamp

A string constant indicating the time and date the compiler was built.

define debug-build?

A boolean constant indicating if the compiler was built in debug mode.

define default-target-triple

A constant of type string.

define e

Euler's number, also known as Napier's constant. Explicitly type-annotated versions of the constant are available as e:f32 and e:f64

define e:f32

See e.

define e:f64

See e.

define false

A constant of type bool.

define global-flag-block

A constant of type u32.

define global-flag-buffer-block

A constant of type u32.

define global-flag-coherent

A constant of type u32.

define global-flag-flat

A constant of type u32.

define global-flag-non-readable

A constant of type u32.

define global-flag-non-writable

A constant of type u32.

define global-flag-restrict

A constant of type u32.

define global-flag-thread-local

A constant of type u32.

define global-flag-volatile

A constant of type u32.

define list-handler-symbol

A constant of type Symbol.

define none

A constant of type Nothing.

define null

A constant of type NullType.

define operating-system

A string constant indicating the operating system the compiler was built for. It is equal to "linux" for Linux builds, "windows" for Windows builds, "macos" for macOS builds and "unknown" otherwise.

define pi

The number π, the ratio of a circle's circumference C to its diameter d. Explicitly type-annotated versions of the constant are available as pi:f32 and pi:f64.

define pi:f32

See pi.

define pi:f64

See pi.

define pointer-flag-non-readable

A constant of type u64.

define pointer-flag-non-writable

A constant of type u64.

define project-dir

A constant of type string.

define question-mark-char

A constant of type i8.

define slash-char

A constant of type i8.

define style-comment

A constant of type Symbol.

define style-error

A constant of type Symbol.

define style-function

A constant of type Symbol.

define style-instruction

A constant of type Symbol.

define style-keyword

A constant of type Symbol.

define style-location

A constant of type Symbol.

define style-none

A constant of type Symbol.

define style-number

A constant of type Symbol.

define style-operator

A constant of type Symbol.

define style-sfxfunction

A constant of type Symbol.

define style-string

A constant of type Symbol.

define style-symbol

A constant of type Symbol.

define style-type

A constant of type Symbol.

define style-warning

A constant of type Symbol.

define symbol-handler-symbol

A constant of type Symbol.

define tau

The number τ, the ratio of a circle's circumference C to its radius r. Explicitly type-annotated versions of the constant are available as tau:f32 and tau:f64.

define tau:f32

See tau.

define tau:f64

See tau.

define true

A constant of type bool.

define type-kind-arguments

A constant of type i32.

define type-kind-array

A constant of type i32.

define type-kind-function

A constant of type i32.

define type-kind-image

A constant of type i32.

define type-kind-integer

A constant of type i32.

define type-kind-matrix

A constant of type i32.

define type-kind-pointer

A constant of type i32.

define type-kind-qualify

A constant of type i32.

define type-kind-real

A constant of type i32.

define type-kind-sampled-image

A constant of type i32.

define type-kind-sampler

A constant of type i32.

define type-kind-tuple

A constant of type i32.

define type-kind-typename

A constant of type i32.

define type-kind-vector

A constant of type i32.

define typed-symbol-handler-symbol

A constant of type Symbol.

define typename-flag-plain

A constant of type u32.

define unknown-anchor

A constant of type Anchor.

define unnamed

A constant of type Symbol.

define unroll-limit

A constant of type i32 indicating the maximum number of recursions permitted for an inline. When this number is exceeded, an error is raised during typechecking. Currently, the limit is set at 64 recursions. This restriction has been put in place to prevent the compiler from overflowing its stack memory.

define value-kind-alloca

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-annotate

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-argument-list

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-argument-list-template

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-atomicrmw

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-barrier

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-binop

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-call

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-call-template

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-case-template

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-cast

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-cmpxchg

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-compile-stage

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-cond-template

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-condbr

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-const-aggregate

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-const-int

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-const-pointer

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-const-real

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-discard

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-exception

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-execution-mode

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-expression

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-extract-argument

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-extract-argument-template

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-extract-element

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-extract-value

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-fcmp

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-free

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-function

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-get-element-ptr

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-global

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-global-string

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-icmp

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-image-query-levels

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-image-query-lod

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-image-query-samples

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-image-query-size

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-image-read

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-image-write

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-insert-element

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-insert-value

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-keyed

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-keyed-template

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-label

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-label-template

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-load

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-loop

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-loop-arguments

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-loop-label

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-loop-label-arguments

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-malloc

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-merge

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-merge-template

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-parameter

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-parameter-template

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-pure-cast

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-quote

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-raise

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-repeat

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-return

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-sample

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-select

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-shuffle-vector

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-store

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-switch

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-switch-template

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-template

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-triop

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-undef

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-unop

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-unquote

A constant of type i32.

define value-kind-unreachable

A constant of type i32.

define working-dir

A constant of type string.

type _:

An opaque type labeled Arguments.

spice __typecall ( ... )
type Accessor

A plain type of storage type (opaque@ _Closure).

inline __typecall ( cls closure )
type Anchor

A plain type of storage type (opaque@ _Anchor).

spice __hash ( ... )
type Arguments

An opaque type.

spice __typecall ( ... )
type Builtin

A plain type of storage type u64.

spice __hash ( ... )
type CEnum

An opaque type of supertype immutable.

spice __!= ( ... )
spice __& ( ... )
spice __* ( ... )
spice __+ ( ... )
spice __- ( ... )
spice __/ ( ... )
spice __// ( ... )
spice __< ( ... )
spice __<= ( ... )
spice __== ( ... )
spice __> ( ... )
spice __>= ( ... )
spice __^ ( ... )
inline __hash ( self )
spice __imply ( ... )
inline __neg ( self )
spice __rimply ( ... )
spice __static-imply ( ... )
spice __| ( ... )
inline __~ ( self )
type CStruct

An opaque type.

spice __copy ( ... )
spice __drop ( ... )
spice __getattr ( ... )
spice __typecall ( ... )
type CUnion

An opaque type.

spice __getattr ( ... )
inline __typecall ( cls value... )
type Closure

A plain type of storage type (opaque@ _Closure).

spice __!= ( ... )
spice __== ( ... )
spice __hash ( ... )
spice __imply ( ... )
compiledfn docstring ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (Closure)).

type Collector

A plain type of storage type (opaque@ _Closure).

spice __call ( ... )
inline __typecall ( cls init valid? at collect )
type CompileStage

A plain type of storage type (tuple _Value Anchor).

type Error

A plain type of storage type (opaque@ _Error).

spice __copy ( ... )
inline append ( self anchor traceback-msg )
compiledfn dump ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Error)).

compiledfn format ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (Error)).

type Generator

Generators provide a protocol for iterating the contents of containers and enumerating sequences. They are primarily used by for and fold, but can also be used separately.

Each generator instance is equivalent to a closure that when called returns four functions:

  • A function state... <- fn start () which returns the initial state of the generator as an arbitrary number of arbitrarily typed values. The initially returned state defines the format of the generators internal state.
  • A function bool <- fn valid? (state...) which takes the current generator state and returns true when the generator can resolve the state to a collection item, otherwise false, indicating that the generator has been depleted.
  • A function value... <- fn at (state...) which takes the current generator state and returns the collection item this state maps to. The function may not be called for a state for which valid? has reported to be depleted.
  • A function state... <- fn next (state...) which takes the current generator state and returns the state mapping to the next item in the collection. The new state must have the same type signature as the previous state. The function may not be called for a state for which valid? has reported to be depleted.

Any of these functions may be called multiple times with any valid state, effectively restarting the Generator at an arbitrary point, as Generators are not expected to have side effects. In controlled circumstances a Generator may choose to be impure, but should be documented accordingly.

Here is a typical pattern for constructing a generator:

inline make-generator (container)
        inline "start" ()
            # return the first iterator of sequence (might not be valid)
            'start container
        inline "valid?" (it...)
            # return true if the iterator is still valid
            'valid-iterator? container it...
        inline "at" (it...)
            # return variadic result at iterator
            '@ container it...
        inline "next" (it...)
            # return the next iterator in sequence
            'next container it...

The generator can then be subsequently used like this:

# this example prints up to two elements returned by a generator
# generate a new instance bound to container
let gen = (make-generator container)
# extract all methods
let start valid? at next = (gen)
# get the init state
let state... = (start)
# check if the state is valid
if (valid? state...)
    # container has at least one item; print it
    print (at state...)
    # advance to the next state
    let state... = (next state...)
    if (valid? state...)
        # container has one more item; print it
        print (at state...)
# we are done; no cleanup necessary
spice __call ( self )

Returns, in this order, the four functions start, valid?, init and next which are required to enumerate generator self.

inline __countof ( self )
inline __typecall ( cls start valid? at next )

Takes four functions start, valid?, at and next and returns a new generator ready for use.

type Image

An opaque type.

spice __typecall ( ... )
compiledfn type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type Symbol i32 i32 i32 i32 Symbol Symbol)).

type MethodsAccessor

An opaque type.

spice __typeattr ( ... )
type Nothing

A plain type of storage type (tuple ).

spice __== ( ... )
spice __copy ( ... )
inline __hash ( self )
inline __tobool ()
type NullType

The type of the null constant. This type is uninstantiable.

spice __== ( ... )
spice __imply ( ... )
spice __r== ( ... )
inline __repr ( self )
type OverloadedFunction

An opaque type.

spice __typecall ( ... )
spice append ( ... )
type Qualify

An opaque type.

type Raises

An opaque type.

type SampledImage

An opaque type.

spice __typecall ( ... )
compiledfn type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type)).

type Sampler

A plain type of supertype immutable and of storage type Sampler.

type Scope

A plain type of storage type (opaque@ _Scope).

compiledfn @ ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Scope Value) raises Error).

spice __.. ( ... )
spice __== ( ... )
spice __as ( ... )
spice __getattr ( ... )
spice __hash ( ... )
spice __typecall ( ... )
spice bind ( ... )
inline bind-symbols ( self values... )
compiledfn bind-with-docstring ( ... )

An external function of type (Scope <-: (Scope Value Value string)).

spice define ( ... )
inline define-symbols ( self values... )
inline deleted ( self )
compiledfn docstring ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (Scope Value)).

inline lineage ( self )
compiledfn local@ ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Scope Value) raises Error).

compiledfn module-docstring ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (Scope)).

compiledfn next ( ... )

An external function of type ((_: Value Value i32) <-: (Scope i32)).

compiledfn next-deleted ( ... )

An external function of type ((_: Value i32) <-: (Scope i32)).

compiledfn parent ( ... )

An external function of type (Scope <-: (Scope)).

compiledfn reparent ( ... )

An external function of type (Scope <-: (Scope Scope)).

compiledfn unbind ( ... )

An external function of type (Scope <-: (Scope Value)).

compiledfn unparent ( ... )

An external function of type (Scope <-: (Scope)).

type SourceFile

A plain type of storage type (opaque@ _SourceFile).

type SpiceMacro

A plain type of storage type (opaque@ (Value <-: (Value) raises Error)).

spice __rimply ( ... )
type SpiceMacroFunction

A plain type labeled (opaque@ (Value <-: (Value) raises Error)) of supertype pointer and of storage type (opaque@ (Value <-: (Value) raises Error)).

type Struct

An opaque type.

spice __drop ( ... )
builtin __getattr ( ... )
spice __typecall ( ... )
type SugarMacro

A plain type of storage type (opaque@ ((_: List Scope) <-: (List Scope) raises Error)).

spice __call ( ... )
type SugarMacroFunction

A plain type labeled (opaque@ ((_: List Scope) <-: (List Scope) raises Error)) of supertype pointer and of storage type (opaque@ ((_: List Scope) <-: (List Scope) raises Error)).

type Symbol

A plain type of supertype immutable and of storage type u64.

spice __!= ( ... )
spice __== ( ... )
spice __as ( ... )
spice __call ( ... )
spice __hash ( ... )
spice __typecall ( ... )
inline unique ( cls name )
compiledfn variadic? ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (Symbol)).

type TypeArrayPointer

A plain type labeled (@ type) of supertype pointer and of storage type (@ type).

type TypeInitializer

An opaque type.

inline __static-imply ( cls T )
type Unknown

A plain type of storage type (opaque@ _type).

type Value

A plain type of storage type (tuple _Value Anchor).

spice __== ( ... )
inline __as ( vT T )
spice __copy ( ... )
inline __hash ( self )
compiledfn __repr ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (Value)).

inline __rimply ( vT T )
spice __typecall ( ... )
compiledfn anchor ( ... )

An external function of type (Anchor <-: (Value)).

compiledfn argcount ( ... )

An external function of type (i32 <-: (Value)).

inline arglist-sink ( N )
inline args ( self )
compiledfn constant? ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (Value)).

fn dekey ( self )
inline dump ( self )
compiledfn getarg ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value i32)).

compiledfn getarglist ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value i32)).

compiledfn kind ( ... )

An external function of type (i32 <-: (Value)).

compiledfn none? ( ... )

A compiled function of type (bool <-: (Value)).

compiledfn pure? ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (Value)).

compiledfn qualified-typeof ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (Value)).

compiledfn qualifiersof ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (Value)).

inline reverse-args ( self )
compiledfn spice-repr ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (Value)).

inline tag ( self anchor )
compiledfn typeof ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (Value)).

type ValueArrayPointer

A plain type labeled (@ Value) of supertype pointer and of storage type (@ Value).

type Variadic

An opaque type labeled ....

type aggregate

An opaque type.

spice __copy ( ... )
spice __drop ( ... )
type array

An opaque type of supertype aggregate.

spice __== ( ... )
inline __@ ( self index )
spice __as ( ... )
spice __countof ( ... )
spice __imply ( ... )
spice __rimply ( ... )
spice __typecall ( ... )
spice __typematch ( ... )
spice __unpack ( ... )
inline type ( element-type size )
type bool

A plain type of supertype integer and of storage type bool.

type char

A plain type labeled i8 of supertype integer and of storage type i8.

type constant

An opaque type.

type f128

A plain type of supertype real and of storage type f128.

type f16

A plain type of supertype real and of storage type f16.

type f32

A plain type of supertype real and of storage type f32.

type f64

A plain type of supertype real and of storage type f64.

type f80

A plain type of supertype real and of storage type f80.

type function

An opaque type.

spice __typecall ( ... )
spice type ( ... )
type hash

A plain type of storage type u64.

spice __!= ( ... )
spice __== ( ... )
spice __as ( ... )
inline __hash ( self )
spice __ras ( ... )
spice __typecall ( ... )
inline from-bytes ( data size )
type i16

A plain type of supertype integer and of storage type i16.

type i32

A plain type of supertype integer and of storage type i32.

type i64

A plain type of supertype integer and of storage type i64.

type i8

A plain type of supertype integer and of storage type i8.

type immutable

An opaque type.

spice __copy ( ... )
type incomplete

An opaque type.

type integer

An opaque type of supertype immutable.

spice __!= ( ... )
spice __% ( ... )
spice __& ( ... )
spice __* ( ... )
spice __** ( ... )
spice __+ ( ... )
spice __- ( ... )
spice __/ ( ... )
spice __// ( ... )
spice __< ( ... )
spice __<< ( ... )
spice __<= ( ... )
spice __== ( ... )
spice __> ( ... )
spice __>= ( ... )
spice __>> ( ... )
spice __^ ( ... )
spice __as ( ... )
spice __hash ( ... )
spice __imply ( ... )
inline __ln ( self )
inline __neg ( self )
inline __rcp ( self )
spice __static-imply ( ... )
spice __tobool ( ... )
spice __typecall ( ... )
builtin __vector!= ( ... )
spice __vector% ( ... )
builtin __vector& ( ... )
builtin __vector* ( ... )
builtin __vector+ ( ... )
builtin __vector- ( ... )
spice __vector// ( ... )
spice __vector< ( ... )
builtin __vector<< ( ... )
spice __vector<= ( ... )
builtin __vector== ( ... )
spice __vector> ( ... )
spice __vector>= ( ... )
spice __vector>> ( ... )
builtin __vector^ ( ... )
builtin __vector| ( ... )
spice __| ( ... )
inline __~ ( self )
type intptr

A plain type labeled u64 of supertype integer and of storage type u64.

type list

A plain type labeled List of storage type (opaque@ _List).

compiledfn @ ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (List)).

spice __.. ( ... )
spice __== ( ... )
spice __as ( ... )
spice __countof ( ... )
inline __repr ( self )
spice __typecall ( ... )
spice __unpack ( ... )
inline cons-sink ( self )
spice decons ( ... )
compiledfn dump ( ... )

An external function of type (List <-: (List)).

fn first-anchor ( self )
compiledfn join ( ... )

An external function of type (List <-: (List List)).

compiledfn next ( ... )

An external function of type (List <-: (List)).

compiledfn reverse ( ... )

An external function of type (List <-: (List)).

fn rjoin ( lside rside )
compiledfn serialize ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (List)).

fn token-split ( expr token errmsg )
type matrix

An opaque type of supertype immutable.

builtin __@ ( ... )
spice __countof ( ... )
spice __typecall ( ... )
spice __unpack ( ... )
inline type ( element-type size )
type nodefault

An opaque type.

type noreturn

An opaque type.

type opaquepointer

An opaque type.

type pointer

An opaque type.

spice __== ( ... )
inline __@ ( self index )
spice __as ( ... )
spice __call ( ... )
spice __copy ( ... )
inline __getattr ( self key )
spice __hash ( ... )
spice __imply ( ... )
spice __ras ( ... )
inline __toref ( self )
spice __typecall ( ... )
inline type ( T )
type rawstring

A plain type labeled (@ i8) of supertype pointer and of storage type (@ i8).

type real

An opaque type of supertype immutable.

spice __!= ( ... )
spice __% ( ... )
spice __* ( ... )
spice __** ( ... )
spice __+ ( ... )
spice __- ( ... )
spice __/ ( ... )
spice __// ( ... )
spice __< ( ... )
spice __<= ( ... )
spice __== ( ... )
spice __> ( ... )
spice __>= ( ... )
spice __as ( ... )
spice __hash ( ... )
spice __imply ( ... )
builtin __ln ( ... )
spice __neg ( ... )
inline __rcp ( self )
inline __tobool ( self )
inline __typecall ( cls value )
builtin __vector!= ( ... )
builtin __vector% ( ... )
builtin __vector* ( ... )
builtin __vector** ( ... )
builtin __vector+ ( ... )
builtin __vector- ( ... )
builtin __vector/ ( ... )
builtin __vector< ( ... )
builtin __vector<= ( ... )
builtin __vector== ( ... )
builtin __vector> ( ... )
builtin __vector>= ( ... )
type string

A plain type of supertype opaquepointer and of storage type (opaque@ _string).

spice __!= ( ... )
spice __.. ( ... )
spice __< ( ... )
spice __<= ( ... )
spice __== ( ... )
spice __> ( ... )
spice __>= ( ... )
fn __@ ( self i )
spice __as ( ... )
spice __countof ( ... )
inline __hash ( self )
spice __imply ( ... )
compiledfn __lslice ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (string usize)).

spice __ras ( ... )
compiledfn __rslice ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (string usize)).

compiledfn buffer ( ... )

An external function of type ((_: (@ i8) usize) <-: (string)).

inline collector ( maxsize )
compiledfn join ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (string string)).

compiledfn match? ( ... )

An external function of type ((_: bool i32 i32) <-: (string string) raises Error).

inline range ( self start end )
type tuple

An opaque type of supertype aggregate.

builtin __@ ( ... )
spice __countof ( ... )
builtin __getattr ( ... )
spice __hash ( ... )
inline __rin ( T selfT )
spice __typecall ( ... )
spice __unpack ( ... )
inline emit ( self keys... )
spice explode ( ... )
spice packed ( ... )
spice packed-type ( ... )
spice type ( ... )
type type

A plain type of supertype opaquepointer and of storage type (opaque@ _type).

compiledfn @ ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (type Symbol) raises Error).

spice __!= ( ... )
spice __< ( ... )
spice __<= ( ... )
spice __== ( ... )
spice __> ( ... )
spice __>= ( ... )
compiledfn __@ ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type i32) raises Error).

spice __call ( ... )
spice __countof ( ... )
spice __getattr ( ... )
spice __hash ( ... )
sugar (__macro  ... )
spice __toptr ( ... )
inline __toref ( self )
compiledfn alignof ( ... )

An external function of type (usize <-: (type) raises Error).

compiledfn bitcount ( ... )

An external function of type (i32 <-: (type)).

fn change-element-type ( cls ET )
fn change-storage-class ( cls storage-class )
spice define-symbol ( ... )
inline define-symbols ( self values... )
spice dispatch-attr ( ... )
compiledfn docstring ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (type Symbol)).

compiledfn element-count ( ... )

An external function of type (i32 <-: (type) raises Error).

compiledfn element@ ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type i32) raises Error).

inline elements ( self )
fn function-pointer? ( cls )
fn function? ( cls )
fn immutable ( cls )
inline key-type ( self key )
compiledfn keyof ( ... )

An external function of type ((_: Symbol type) <-: (type)).

compiledfn kind ( ... )

An external function of type (i32 <-: (type)).

compiledfn local@ ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (type Symbol) raises Error).

fn mutable ( cls )
fn mutable& ( cls )
compiledfn offsetof ( ... )

An external function of type (usize <-: (type i32) raises Error).

compiledfn opaque? ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (type)).

compiledfn plain? ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (type)).

fn pointer->refer-type ( cls )
fn pointer-storage-class ( cls )
fn pointer? ( cls )
spice raises ( ... )
fn readable? ( cls )
fn refer->pointer-type ( cls )
compiledfn refer? ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (type)).

compiledfn return-type ( ... )

An external function of type ((_: type type) <-: (type)).

compiledfn set-docstring ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (type Symbol string)).

inline set-opaque ( type )
inline set-plain-storage ( type storage-type )
inline set-storage ( type storage-type )
spice set-symbol ( ... )
inline set-symbols ( self values... )
compiledfn signed? ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (type)).

compiledfn sizeof ( ... )

An external function of type (usize <-: (type) raises Error).

compiledfn storageof ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type) raises Error).

compiledfn string ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (type)).

fn strip-pointer-storage-class ( cls )
compiledfn strip-qualifiers ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type)).

compiledfn superof ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type)).

inline symbols ( self )
compiledfn unique-type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type i32)).

compiledfn unsized? ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (type) raises Error).

compiledfn variadic? ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (type)).

inline view-type ( self id )
compiledfn view? ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (type)).

fn writable? ( cls )
type typename

An opaque type.

spice __!= ( ... )
spice __= ( ... )
spice __methodcall ( ... )
spice __toptr ( ... )
spice __typecall ( ... )
compiledfn type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (string type) raises Error).

type u16

A plain type of supertype integer and of storage type u16.

type u32

A plain type of supertype integer and of storage type u32.

type u64

A plain type of supertype integer and of storage type u64.

type u8

A plain type of supertype integer and of storage type u8.

type union

An opaque type.

type usize

A plain type of supertype integer and of storage type u64.

type vector

An opaque type of supertype immutable.

spice __!= ( ... )
spice __% ( ... )
spice __& ( ... )
spice __* ( ... )
spice __** ( ... )
spice __+ ( ... )
spice __- ( ... )
spice __/ ( ... )
spice __// ( ... )
spice __< ( ... )
spice __<< ( ... )
spice __<= ( ... )
spice __== ( ... )
spice __> ( ... )
spice __>= ( ... )
spice __>> ( ... )
builtin __@ ( ... )
spice __^ ( ... )
spice __countof ( ... )
spice __lslice ( ... )
spice __rslice ( ... )
spice __typecall ( ... )
spice __unpack ( ... )
spice __| ( ... )
spice smear ( ... )
inline type ( element-type size )
type void

An opaque type of supertype Arguments.

type voidstar

A plain type labeled (opaque@ void) of supertype pointer and of storage type (opaque@ void).

inline %= ( lhs rhs )
inline &= ( lhs rhs )
inline *= ( lhs rhs )
inline += ( lhs rhs )
inline -= ( lhs rhs )
inline ..= ( lhs rhs )
inline //= ( lhs rhs )
inline /= ( lhs rhs )
inline <<= ( lhs rhs )
inline >>= ( lhs rhs )
inline ^= ( lhs rhs )
inline |= ( lhs rhs )
fn Value-none? ( value )
inline aggregate-type-constructor ( start f )
fn all? ( v )
fn any? ( v )
fn as-converter ( vQT T static? )
fn autoboxer ( T x )
inline balanced-binary-op-dispatch ( symbol rsymbol friendly-op-name )
fn balanced-binary-operation ( args symbol rsymbol friendly-op-name )
fn balanced-binary-operator ( symbol rsymbol lhsT rhsT lhs-static? rhs-static? )

For an operation performed on two argument types, of which either type can provide a suitable candidate, return a matching operator. This function only works inside a spice macro.

inline balanced-lvalue-binary-op-dispatch ( symbol friendly-op-name )
fn balanced-lvalue-binary-operation ( args symbol friendly-op-name )
fn balanced-lvalue-binary-operator ( symbol lhsT rhsT rhs-static? )

For an operation performed on two argument types, of which only the left type type can provide a suitable candidate, return a matching operator. This function only works inside a spice macro.

fn bin ( value )
fn binary-op-error ( friendly-op-name lhsT rhsT )
fn binary-operator ( symbol lhsT rhsT )

For an operation performed on two argument types, of which only the left type can provide a suitable candidate, find a matching operator function. This function only works inside a spice macro.

fn binary-operator-r ( rsymbol lhsT rhsT )

For an operation performed on two argument types, of which only the right type can provide a suitable candidate, find a matching operator function. This function only works inside a spice macro.

fn box-integer ( value )
fn box-pointer ( value )
inline box-spice-macro ( l )
fn box-symbol ( value )
fn build-typify-function ( f )
fn cast-converter ( symbol rsymbol vQT T )

For two given types, find a matching conversion function. This function only works inside a spice macro.

inline cast-error ( intro-string vT T )
fn check-count ( count mincount maxcount )
inline clamp ( x mn mx )
fn clone-scope-contents ( a b )

Join two scopes a and b into a new scope so that the root of a descends from b.

fn compare-type ( args f )
inline compile ( func flags... )
inline compile-glsl ( version target func flags... )
inline compile-object ( target file-kind path table flags... )
inline compile-spirv ( version target func flags... )
fn compiler-version-string ()
inline convert-assert-args ( args cond msg )
fn dec ( value )
inline defer-type ( ... )
fn dispatch-and-or ( args flip )
inline distance ( a b )
fn dots-to-slashes ( pattern )
fn dotted-symbol? ( env head )
inline empty? ( value )
inline enumerate ( x T )
fn error ( msg )
fn error@ ( anchor traceback-msg error-msg )

Usage example:

error@ ('anchor value) "while checking parameter" "error in value"
fn error@+ ( error anchor traceback-msg )

Usage example:

except (err)
    error@+ err ('anchor value) "while processing stream"
fn exec-module ( expr eval-scope )
fn expand-and-or ( expr f )
fn expand-apply ( expr )
fn expand-define ( expr )
fn expand-define-infix ( args scope order )
fn expand-infix-let ( expr )
inline extern-new ( name T attrs... )
fn extract-integer ( value )
fn extract-name-params-body ( expr )
fn extract-single-arg ( args )
fn extract-single-type-arg ( args )
fn find-library ( name library-search-path )
fn find-module-path ( base-dir name env )
inline floor ( x )
inline function->SpiceMacro ( f )
inline gen-allocator-sugar ( copyf newf )
inline gen-cast-op ( f str )
inline gen-cast? ( converterf )
inline gen-match-block-parser ( handle-case )
fn gen-match-matcher ( failfunc expr scope cond )

features: -> (input == ) (or ) -> (or )

TODO: (: x T) -> ((typeof input) == T), let x = input -> unpack as symbol

fn gen-or-matcher ( failfunc expr scope params )
fn gen-sugar-matcher ( failfunc expr scope params )
fn gen-vector-reduction ( f v sz )
fn get-ifx-op ( env op )
fn get-ifx-symbol ( name )
fn has-infix-ops? ( infix-table expr )
fn hex ( value )
fn imply-converter ( vQT T static? )
inline infinite-range ( T )

A Generator that iterates through all integer values starting at 0. This generator never terminates; when it exceeds the maximum integer value, it overflows and continues with the minimum integer value of that type.

inline infix-op ( pred )
fn infix-op-ge ( infix-table token prec )
fn infix-op-gt ( infix-table token prec )
inline intdiv ( a b )
fn integer->string ( value base )
fn integer-as ( vT T )
fn integer-imply ( vT T )
fn integer-static-imply ( vT T )
fn integer-tobool ( args )
fn load-module ( module-name module-path env opts... )
fn ltr-multiop ( args target mincount )
inline make-const-type-property-function ( func )
inline make-const-value-property-function ( func )
inline make-expand-and-or ( f )
inline make-expand-define-infix ( order )
inline make-inplace-let-op ( op )
inline make-inplace-op ( op )
fn make-module-path ( pattern name )
inline make-unpack-function ( extractf )
inline memo ( f )
inline memoize ( f )
fn merge-scope-symbols ( source target filter )
fn mod ( a b )
fn next-head? ( next )
fn nodefault? ( x )
fn oct ( value )
fn operator-valid? ( value )
fn patterns-from-namestr ( base-dir namestr env )
fn pointer-as ( vT T )
fn pointer-imply ( vT T )
fn pointer-ras ( T vT )
fn pointer-type-imply? ( src dest )
fn powi ( base exponent )
inline print ( values... )
fn ptrcmp!= ( t1 t2 )
fn ptrcmp== ( t1 t2 )
inline quasiquote-any ( x )
fn quasiquote-list ( x )
inline range ( a b c )
fn real-as ( vT T )
fn real-imply ( vT T )
fn require-from ( base-dir name env )
inline rrange ( a b c )

Same as range, but iterates range in reverse; arguments are passed in the same format, so rrange can act as a drop-in replacement for range.

fn rtl-infix-op-eq ( infix-table token prec )
fn rtl-multiop ( args target mincount )
inline runtime-aggregate-type-constructor ( f )
inline safe-integer-cast ( self T )
fn sc_argument_list_join ( a b )
inline sc_argument_list_join_values ( a b... )
inline sc_argument_list_map_filter_new ( maxN mapf )
inline sc_argument_list_map_new ( N mapf )
inline select-op-macro ( sop uop fop numargs )
inline signed-vector-binary-op ( sf uf )
inline simple-binary-op ( f )

For cases where the type only interacts with itself.

inline simple-folding-autotype-binary-op ( f unboxer )
inline simple-folding-autotype-signed-binary-op ( sf uf unboxer )
inline simple-folding-binary-op ( f unboxer boxer )
inline simple-folding-signed-binary-op ( sf uf unboxer boxer )
inline simple-folding-unary-op ( f unboxer boxer )
inline simple-signed-binary-op ( sf uf )
inline slice ( value start end )
inline spice-binary-op-macro ( f )

To be used for binary operators of which either type can provide an operation. Returns a callable operator (f lhs rhs) that performs the operation or no arguments if the operation can not be performed.

inline spice-cast-macro ( f )

To be used for __as, __ras, __imply and __rimply returns a callable converter (f value) that performs the cast or no arguments if the cast can not be performed.

inline spice-converter-macro ( f )

To be used for a converter that needs to do additional dispatch (i.e. do something else when the value is a constant). Returns a quote that performs the cast (f value T).

inline spice-macro ( l )
fn split-dotted-symbol ( env name )
inline static-compile ( func flags... )
inline static-compile-glsl ( version target func flags... )
inline static-compile-spirv ( version target func flags... )
fn string@ ( self i )
inline sugar-block-scope-macro ( f )
inline sugar-macro ( f )
inline sugar-scope-macro ( f )
inline swap ( a b )

Safely exchanges the contents of two references.

inline type-comparison-func ( f )
inline type-factory ( f )
inline typeinit ( ... )
inline typematcher ( ... )
inline unary-op-dispatch ( symbol friendly-op-name )
fn unary-op-error ( friendly-op-name T )
fn unary-operation ( args symbol friendly-op-name )
fn unary-operator ( symbol T )

For an operation performed on one variable argument type, find a matching operator function. This function only works inside a spice macro.

inline unary-or-balanced-binary-op-dispatch ( usymbol ufriendly-op-name symbol rsymbol friendly-op-name )
fn unary-or-balanced-binary-operation ( args usymbol ufriendly-op-name symbol rsymbol friendly-op-name )
inline unary-or-unbalanced-binary-op-dispatch ( usymbol ufriendly-op-name symbol rtype friendly-op-name )
fn unary-or-unbalanced-binary-operation ( args usymbol ufriendly-op-name symbol rtype friendly-op-name )
inline unbalanced-binary-op-dispatch ( symbol rtype friendly-op-name )
fn unbalanced-binary-operation ( args symbol rtype friendly-op-name )
inline unbox ( value T )
inline unbox-integer ( value T )
inline unbox-pointer ( value T )
inline unbox-symbol ( value T )
fn unbox-verify ( value wantT )
fn uncomma ( l )

uncomma list l, wrapping all comma separated symbols as new lists.

Usage example:

(uncomma '(a , b c d , e f , g h)) -> '(a (b c d) (e f) (g h))
fn unpack-infix-op ( op )
fn unpack2 ( args )
inline va-join ( a... )
fn value-as ( vT T expr )
inline vector-binary-op-dispatch ( symbol )
fn vector-binary-operator ( symbol lhsT rhsT )
fn verify-count ( count mincount maxcount )
sugar (.  ... )
sugar (::  ... )
sugar (:=  ... )
sugar (<-  ... )
sugar (<-:  ... )
sugar (@@  ... )
sugar (and  ... )
sugar (as:=  ... )
sugar (assert  ... )
sugar (bind  ... )
sugar (chain-typed-symbol-handler  ... )
sugar (decorate-fn  ... )
sugar (decorate-inline  ... )
sugar (decorate-let  ... )
sugar (decorate-struct  ... )
sugar (decorate-type  ... )
sugar (decorate-typedef  ... )
sugar (decorate-vvv  ... )
sugar (define  ... )
sugar (define-infix<  ... )
sugar (define-infix>  ... )
sugar (define-sugar-block-scope-macro  ... )
sugar (define-sugar-macro  ... )
sugar (define-sugar-scope-macro  ... )
sugar (dispatch  ... )
sugar (fn...  ... )
sugar (fold ( state ...  =  init... ) for  name ...  in  gen body... )

This is a combination of the loop and for forms. It enumerates all elements in collection or sequence gen, unpacking each element and binding its arguments to the names defined by name ..., while the loop state state ... is initialized from init....

Similar to loop, the body expression must return the next state of the loop. The state of gen is transparently maintained and does not have to be managed.

Unlike for, fold requires calls to break to pass a state compatible with state .... Otherwise they serve the same function.

Usage example:

# add numbers from 0 to 9, skipping number 5, and print the result
    fold (sum = 0) for i in (range 100)
        if (i == 10)
            # abort the loop
            break sum
        if (i == 5)
            # skip this index
        # continue with the next state for sum
        sum + i
sugar (fold-locals  ... )
sugar (for  name ...  in  gen body... )

Defines a loop that enumerates all elements in collection or sequence gen, unpacking each element and binding its arguments to the names defined by name ....

gen must either be of type Generator or provide a cast to Generator.

Within the loop body, special forms break and continue can be used to abort the loop early or skip ahead to the next element. The loop will always evaluate to no arguments.

For a loop form that allows maintaining additional state and break with a value, see fold.

Usage example:

# print numbers from 0 to 9, skipping number 5
for i in (range 100)
    if (i == 10)
        # abort the loop
    if (i == 5)
        # skip this index
    print i
sugar (from  ... )
sugar (global  ... )
sugar (import  ... )
sugar (include  ... )
sugar (inline...  ... )
sugar (local  ... )

declares a mutable variable on the local function stack.

Syntax: local name : type = value local name = value local = value local : type = value local : type args... local type args...

sugar (locals  ... )

Export locals as a chain of up to two new scopes: a scope that contains all the constant values in the immediate scope, and a scope that contains the runtime values. If all values in the scope are constant, then the resulting scope will also be constant.

sugar (match  ... )
sugar (not  ... )
sugar (or  ... )
sugar (qq  ... )
sugar (shared-library  ... )
sugar (spice  ... )
sugar (static-assert  ... )
sugar (static-if  ... )
sugar (static-match  ... )
sugar (static-shared-library  ... )
sugar (static-try  ... )
sugar (sugar  ... )
sugar (sugar-eval  ... )
sugar (sugar-if  ... )
sugar (sugar-match  ... )
sugar (sugar-set-scope!  ... )
sugar (type+  ... )
sugar (typedef  ... )

A type declaration syntax; when the name is a string, the type is declared at runtime.

sugar (typedef+  ... )
sugar (typematch  ... )
sugar (unlet  ... )
sugar (using  ... )
sugar (va-option  ... )
sugar (vvv  ... )
sugar (while  ... )
builtin ? ( ... )
builtin _ ( ... )
builtin Image-query-levels ( ... )
builtin Image-query-lod ( ... )
builtin Image-query-samples ( ... )
builtin Image-query-size ( ... )
builtin Image-read ( ... )
builtin Image-texel-pointer ( ... )
builtin Image-write ( ... )
builtin acos ( ... )
builtin acosh ( ... )
builtin add ( ... )
builtin add-nsw ( ... )
builtin add-nuw ( ... )
builtin alloca ( ... )
builtin alloca-array ( ... )
builtin ashr ( ... )
builtin asin ( ... )
builtin asinh ( ... )
builtin assign ( ... )
builtin atan ( ... )
builtin atan2 ( ... )
builtin atanh ( ... )
builtin atomic ( ... )
builtin atomicrmw ( ... )
builtin band ( ... )
builtin bitcast ( ... )
builtin bitcount ( ... )
builtin bitreverse ( ... )
builtin bnand ( ... )
builtin bor ( ... )
builtin branch ( ... )
builtin break ( ... )
builtin bxor ( ... )
builtin call ( ... )
builtin cmpxchg ( ... )
builtin cos ( ... )
builtin cosh ( ... )
builtin cross ( ... )
builtin degrees ( ... )
builtin deref ( ... )
builtin discard ( ... )
builtin do ( ... )
builtin dropped? ( ... )
builtin dump ( ... )
builtin dump-debug ( ... )
builtin dump-spice ( ... )
builtin dump-template ( ... )
builtin dump-uniques ( ... )
builtin dupe ( ... )
builtin embed ( ... )
builtin exp ( ... )
builtin exp2 ( ... )
builtin extractelement ( ... )
builtin extractvalue ( ... )
builtin fabs ( ... )
builtin fadd ( ... )
builtin fcmp!=o ( ... )
builtin fcmp!=u ( ... )
builtin fcmp-ord ( ... )
builtin fcmp-uno ( ... )
builtin fcmp<=o ( ... )
builtin fcmp<=u ( ... )
builtin fcmp<o ( ... )
builtin fcmp<u ( ... )
builtin fcmp==o ( ... )
builtin fcmp==u ( ... )
builtin fcmp>=o ( ... )
builtin fcmp>=u ( ... )
builtin fcmp>o ( ... )
builtin fcmp>u ( ... )
builtin fdiv ( ... )
builtin findlsb ( ... )
builtin findmsb ( ... )
builtin fma ( ... )
builtin fmix ( ... )
builtin fmul ( ... )
builtin fn ( ... )
builtin fneg ( ... )
builtin fpext ( ... )
builtin fptosi ( ... )
builtin fptoui ( ... )
builtin fptrunc ( ... )
builtin free ( ... )
builtin frem ( ... )
builtin frexp ( ... )
builtin fsign ( ... )
builtin fsub ( ... )
builtin getelementptr ( ... )
builtin getelementref ( ... )
builtin hide-traceback ( ... )
builtin icmp!= ( ... )
builtin icmp<=s ( ... )
builtin icmp<=u ( ... )
builtin icmp<s ( ... )
builtin icmp<u ( ... )
builtin icmp== ( ... )
builtin icmp>=s ( ... )
builtin icmp>=u ( ... )
builtin icmp>s ( ... )
builtin icmp>u ( ... )
builtin if ( ... )
builtin indirect-let ( ... )
builtin inline ( ... )
builtin insertelement ( ... )
builtin insertvalue ( ... )
builtin inttoptr ( ... )
builtin inversesqrt ( ... )
builtin itrunc ( ... )
builtin label ( ... )
builtin ldexp ( ... )
builtin length ( ... )
builtin let ( ... )
builtin load ( ... )
builtin log ( ... )
builtin log2 ( ... )
builtin loop ( ... )
builtin lose ( ... )
builtin lshr ( ... )
builtin malloc ( ... )
builtin malloc-array ( ... )
builtin merge ( ... )
builtin move ( ... )
builtin mul ( ... )
builtin mul-nsw ( ... )
builtin mul-nuw ( ... )
builtin normalize ( ... )
builtin nullof ( ... )
builtin powf ( ... )
builtin ptrtoint ( ... )
builtin ptrtoref ( ... )
builtin radians ( ... )
builtin raise ( ... )
builtin raising ( ... )
builtin rawcall ( ... )
builtin reftoptr ( ... )
builtin repeat ( ... )
builtin return ( ... )
builtin returning ( ... )
builtin round ( ... )
builtin roundeven ( ... )
builtin run-stage ( ... )
builtin sample ( ... )
builtin sdiv ( ... )
builtin set-execution-mode ( ... )
builtin sext ( ... )
builtin shl ( ... )
builtin shufflevector ( ... )
builtin sin ( ... )
builtin sinh ( ... )
builtin sitofp ( ... )
builtin smax ( ... )
builtin smin ( ... )
builtin spice-quote ( ... )
builtin spice-unquote ( ... )
builtin spice-unquote-arguments ( ... )
builtin sqrt ( ... )
builtin square-list ( ... )
builtin srem ( ... )
builtin ssign ( ... )
builtin step ( ... )
builtin store ( ... )
builtin sub ( ... )
builtin sub-nsw ( ... )
builtin sub-nuw ( ... )
builtin sugar-log ( ... )
builtin sugar-quote ( ... )
builtin swapvalue ( ... )
builtin switch ( ... )
builtin tan ( ... )
builtin tanh ( ... )
builtin trunc ( ... )
builtin try ( ... )
builtin typeof ( ... )
builtin udiv ( ... )
builtin uitofp ( ... )
builtin umax ( ... )
builtin umin ( ... )
builtin undef ( ... )
builtin unique-visible? ( ... )
builtin unreachable ( ... )
builtin urem ( ... )
builtin va-countof ( ... )
builtin view ( ... )
builtin viewing ( ... )
builtin volatile ( ... )
builtin volatile-load ( ... )
builtin volatile-store ( ... )
builtin xchg ( ... )
builtin zext ( ... )
spice % ( ... )
spice & ( ... )
spice * ( ... )
spice + ( ... )
spice - ( ... )
spice / ( ... )
spice < ( ... )
spice = ( ... )
spice > ( ... )
spice @ ( ... )
spice ^ ( ... )
spice | ( ... )
spice ~ ( ... )
spice != ( ... )
spice &? ( value )

Returns true if value is a reference, otherwise false.

spice ** ( ... )
spice .. ( ... )
spice // ( ... )
spice << ( ... )
spice <= ( ... )
spice == ( ... )
spice >= ( ... )
spice >> ( ... )
spice _not ( ... )
spice _static-compile ( ... )
spice _static-compile-glsl ( ... )
spice _static-compile-spirv ( ... )
spice Closure->Accessor ( ... )
spice Closure->Collector ( ... )
spice Closure->Generator ( ... )
spice abs ( ... )
spice alignof ( ... )
spice and-branch ( ... )
spice append-to-scope ( ... )
spice append-to-type ( ... )
spice argumentsof ( ... )
spice arrayof ( ... )
spice as ( ... )
spice as? ( ... )
spice bindingof ( ... )
spice bitcountof ( ... )
spice coerce-call-arguments ( ... )
spice cons ( ... )
spice const.add.i32.i32 ( ... )
spice const.icmp<=.i32.i32 ( ... )
spice constant? ( ... )
spice copy ( ... )
spice countof ( ... )
spice decons ( ... )
spice defer ( ... )
spice drop ( ... )
spice elementof ( ... )
spice elementsof ( ... )
spice extern ( ... )
spice gen-union-extractvalue ( ... )
spice getattr ( ... )
spice hash-storage ( ... )
spice hash1 ( ... )
spice imply ( ... )
spice imply? ( ... )
spice in ( ... )
spice integer->integer ( ... )
spice integer->real ( ... )
spice key ( ... )
spice keyof ( ... )
spice list-constructor ( ... )
spice ln ( ... )
spice locationof ( ... )
spice lslice ( ... )
spice max ( ... )
spice memocall ( ... )
spice methodsof ( ... )

This function can be used in conjunction with from:

from (methodsof <object>) let method1 method2

Now the imported methods are implicitly bound to <object> and can be called directly.

spice min ( ... )
spice mutable ( ... )
spice mutable? ( ... )
spice mutable@ ( ... )
spice none? ( ... )
spice offsetof ( ... )
spice opaque ( ... )
spice or-branch ( ... )
spice overloaded-fn-append ( ... )
spice packedtupleof ( ... )
spice parse-compile-flags ( ... )
spice plain? ( ... )
spice pow ( ... )
spice private ( ... )
spice protect ( ... )
spice qualifiersof ( ... )
spice raiseof ( ... )
spice raises ( ... )
spice real->integer ( ... )
spice real->real ( ... )
spice report ( ... )
spice repr ( ... )
spice returnof ( ... )
spice rslice ( ... )
spice sabs ( ... )
spice safe-shl ( ... )
spice sign ( ... )
spice signed ( ... )
spice signed? ( ... )
spice sizeof ( ... )
spice static-branch ( ... )
spice static-error ( ... )
spice static-integer->integer ( ... )
spice static-integer->real ( ... )
spice static-library ( ... )
spice static-try-closure ( ... )
spice static-typify ( ... )
spice storagecast ( ... )
spice storageof ( ... )
spice superof ( ... )
spice tostring ( ... )
spice tupleof ( ... )
spice type!= ( ... )
spice type< ( ... )
spice type<= ( ... )
spice type== ( ... )
spice type> ( ... )
spice type>= ( ... )
spice typeattr ( ... )
spice typify ( ... )
spice union-storage-type ( ... )
spice union-storageof ( ... )
spice uniqueof ( ... )
spice unpack ( ... )
spice unqualified ( ... )
spice unsized? ( ... )
spice va-append-va ( ... )

(va-append-va (inline () (_ b ...)) a...) -> a... b...

spice va-empty? ( ... )
spice va-lfold ( ... )
spice va-lifold ( ... )
spice va-map ( f ... )

Filter each argument in ... through f and return the resulting list of arguments. Arguments where f returns void are filtered from the result.

spice va-option-branch ( ... )
spice va-range ( a [ b ] )

If b is not specified, returns a sequence of integers from zero to b, otherwise a sequence of integers from a to b.

spice va-rfold ( ... )
spice va-rifold ( ... )
spice va-split ( ... )

(va-split n a...) -> (inline () a...[n .. (va-countof a...)-1]) a...[0 .. n-1]

spice va-unnamed ( ... )

Filter all keyed values.

spice va@ ( ... )
spice vector-reduce ( ... )
spice vectorof ( ... )
spice verify-stepsize ( ... )
spice viewof ( ... )
spice wrap-if-not-run-stage ( ... )
spice zip ( ... )
compiledfn compiler-version ( ... )

An external function of type ((_: i32 i32 i32) <-: ()).

compiledfn debugtrap ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: ()).

compiledfn default-styler ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (Symbol string)).

compiledfn exit ( ... )

An external function of type (noreturn <-: (i32)).

compiledfn function->SugarMacro ( ... )

A compiled function of type (SugarMacro <-: ((opaque@ ((_: List Scope) <-: (List Scope) raises Error)))).

compiledfn globals ( ... )

An external function of type (Scope <-: ()).

compiledfn io-write! ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (string)).

compiledfn launch-args ( ... )

An external function of type ((_: i32 (@ (@ i8))) <-: ()).

compiledfn list-handler ( ... )

A compiled function of type ((_: List Scope) <-: (List Scope) raises Error).

compiledfn list-load ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (string) raises Error).

compiledfn list-parse ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (string) raises Error).

compiledfn load-library ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (string) raises Error).

compiledfn load-object ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (string) raises Error).

compiledfn parse-infix-expr ( ... )

A compiled function of type ((_: Value List) <-: (Scope Value List i32) raises Error).

compiledfn realpath ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (string)).

compiledfn sc_abort ( ... )

An external function of type (noreturn <-: ()).

compiledfn sc_anchor_column ( ... )

An external function of type (i32 <-: (Anchor)).

compiledfn sc_anchor_lineno ( ... )

An external function of type (i32 <-: (Anchor)).

compiledfn sc_anchor_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Anchor <-: (Symbol i32 i32 i32)).

compiledfn sc_anchor_offset ( ... )

An external function of type (Anchor <-: (Anchor i32)).

compiledfn sc_anchor_path ( ... )

An external function of type (Symbol <-: (Anchor)).

compiledfn sc_argcount ( ... )

An external function of type (i32 <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_argument_list_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (i32 (@ Value))).

compiledfn sc_arguments_type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (i32 (@ type))).

compiledfn sc_arguments_type_argcount ( ... )

An external function of type (i32 <-: (type)).

compiledfn sc_arguments_type_getarg ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type i32)).

compiledfn sc_arguments_type_join ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type type)).

compiledfn sc_array_type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type usize) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_basename ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (string)).

compiledfn sc_cache_misses ( ... )

An external function of type (i32 <-: ()).

compiledfn sc_call_append_argument ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Value Value)).

compiledfn sc_call_is_rawcall ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_call_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_call_set_rawcall ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Value bool)).

compiledfn sc_case_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value Value)).

compiledfn sc_closure_get_context ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Closure)).

compiledfn sc_closure_get_docstring ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (Closure)).

compiledfn sc_closure_get_template ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Closure)).

compiledfn sc_compile ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value u64) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_compile_glsl ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (i32 Symbol Value u64) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_compile_object ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (string i32 string Scope u64) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_compile_spirv ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (i32 Symbol Value u64) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_compiler_version ( ... )

An external function of type ((_: i32 i32 i32) <-: ()).

compiledfn sc_cond_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value Value Value)).

compiledfn sc_const_aggregate_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (type i32 (@ Value))).

compiledfn sc_const_extract_at ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value i32)).

compiledfn sc_const_int_extract ( ... )

An external function of type (u64 <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_const_int_extract_word ( ... )

An external function of type (u64 <-: (Value i32)).

compiledfn sc_const_int_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (type u64)).

compiledfn sc_const_int_word_count ( ... )

An external function of type (i32 <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_const_int_words_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (type i32 (@ u64))).

compiledfn sc_const_null_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (type) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_const_pointer_extract ( ... )

An external function of type ((opaque@ void) <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_const_pointer_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (type (opaque@ void))).

compiledfn sc_const_real_extract ( ... )

An external function of type (f64 <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_const_real_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (type f64)).

compiledfn sc_default_case_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_default_styler ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (Symbol string)).

compiledfn sc_default_target_triple ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: ()).

compiledfn sc_dirname ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (string)).

compiledfn sc_do_case_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_dump_error ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Error)).

compiledfn sc_empty_argument_list ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: ()).

compiledfn sc_enter_solver_cli ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: ()).

compiledfn sc_error_append_calltrace ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Error Value)).

compiledfn sc_error_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Error <-: (string)).

compiledfn sc_eval ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Anchor List Scope) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_eval_inline ( ... )

An external function of type (Anchor <-: (Value List Scope) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_eval_stage ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Anchor List Scope) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_exit ( ... )

An external function of type (noreturn <-: (i32)).

compiledfn sc_expand ( ... )

An external function of type ((_: Value List Scope) <-: (Value List Scope) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_expression_append ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Value Value)).

compiledfn sc_expression_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: ()).

compiledfn sc_expression_set_scoped ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_extract_argument_list_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value i32)).

compiledfn sc_extract_argument_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value i32)).

compiledfn sc_format_error ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (Error)).

compiledfn sc_format_message ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (Anchor string)).

compiledfn sc_function_type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type i32 (@ type))).

compiledfn sc_function_type_is_variadic ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (type)).

compiledfn sc_function_type_raising ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type type)).

compiledfn sc_function_type_return_type ( ... )

An external function of type ((_: type type) <-: (type)).

compiledfn sc_get_globals ( ... )

An external function of type (Scope <-: ()).

compiledfn sc_get_original_globals ( ... )

An external function of type (Scope <-: ()).

compiledfn sc_getarg ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value i32)).

compiledfn sc_getarglist ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value i32)).

compiledfn sc_global_binding ( ... )

An external function of type (i32 <-: (Value) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_global_descriptor_set ( ... )

An external function of type (i32 <-: (Value) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_global_flags ( ... )

An external function of type (u32 <-: (Value) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_global_location ( ... )

An external function of type (i32 <-: (Value) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_global_name ( ... )

An external function of type (Symbol <-: (Value) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_global_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Symbol type u32 Symbol)).

compiledfn sc_global_set_binding ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Value i32) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_global_set_constructor ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Value Value) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_global_set_descriptor_set ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Value i32) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_global_set_initializer ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Value Value) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_global_set_location ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Value i32) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_global_storage_class ( ... )

An external function of type (Symbol <-: (Value) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_global_string_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: ((@ i8) usize)).

compiledfn sc_global_string_new_from_cstr ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: ((@ i8))).

compiledfn sc_hash ( ... )

An external function of type (u64 <-: (u64 usize)).

compiledfn sc_hash2x64 ( ... )

An external function of type (u64 <-: (u64 u64)).

compiledfn sc_hashbytes ( ... )

An external function of type (u64 <-: ((@ i8) usize)).

compiledfn sc_identity ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_image_type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type Symbol i32 i32 i32 i32 Symbol Symbol)).

compiledfn sc_import_c ( ... )

An external function of type (Scope <-: (string string List Scope) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_integer_type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (i32 bool)).

compiledfn sc_integer_type_is_signed ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (type)).

compiledfn sc_is_directory ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (string)).

compiledfn sc_is_file ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (string)).

compiledfn sc_key_type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (Symbol type)).

compiledfn sc_keyed_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Symbol Value)).

compiledfn sc_label_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (i32 Symbol)).

compiledfn sc_label_set_body ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Value Value)).

compiledfn sc_launch_args ( ... )

An external function of type ((_: i32 (@ (@ i8))) <-: ()).

compiledfn sc_list_at ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (List)).

compiledfn sc_list_compare ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (List List)).

compiledfn sc_list_cons ( ... )

An external function of type (List <-: (Value List)).

compiledfn sc_list_count ( ... )

An external function of type (i32 <-: (List)).

compiledfn sc_list_decons ( ... )

An external function of type ((_: Value List) <-: (List)).

compiledfn sc_list_dump ( ... )

An external function of type (List <-: (List)).

compiledfn sc_list_join ( ... )

An external function of type (List <-: (List List)).

compiledfn sc_list_next ( ... )

An external function of type (List <-: (List)).

compiledfn sc_list_repr ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (List)).

compiledfn sc_list_reverse ( ... )

An external function of type (List <-: (List)).

compiledfn sc_list_serialize ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (List)).

compiledfn sc_load_library ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (string) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_load_object ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (string) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_loop_arguments ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_loop_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_loop_set_body ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Value Value)).

compiledfn sc_map_get ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_map_set ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Value Value)).

compiledfn sc_matrix_type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type usize) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_merge_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value Value)).

compiledfn sc_mutate_type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type)).

compiledfn sc_packed_tuple_type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (i32 (@ type)) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_parameter_is_variadic ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_parameter_name ( ... )

An external function of type (Symbol <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_parameter_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Symbol)).

compiledfn sc_parse_from_path ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (string) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_parse_from_string ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (string) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_pass_case_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value Value)).

compiledfn sc_pointer_type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type u64 Symbol)).

compiledfn sc_pointer_type_get_flags ( ... )

An external function of type (u64 <-: (type)).

compiledfn sc_pointer_type_get_storage_class ( ... )

An external function of type (Symbol <-: (type)).

compiledfn sc_pointer_type_set_element_type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type type)).

compiledfn sc_pointer_type_set_flags ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type u64)).

compiledfn sc_pointer_type_set_storage_class ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type Symbol)).

compiledfn sc_prompt ( ... )

An external function of type ((_: bool string) <-: (string string)).

compiledfn sc_prompt_add_completion ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: ((opaque@ void) (@ i8))).

compiledfn sc_prompt_add_completion_from_scope ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: ((opaque@ void) (@ i8) i32 Scope)).

compiledfn sc_prompt_load_history ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (string)).

compiledfn sc_prompt_save_history ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (string)).

compiledfn sc_prompt_set_autocomplete_handler ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: ((opaque@ (void <-: ((@ i8) (opaque@ void)))))).

compiledfn sc_prove ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_quote_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_realpath ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (string)).

compiledfn sc_refer_flags ( ... )

An external function of type (u64 <-: (type)).

compiledfn sc_refer_storage_class ( ... )

An external function of type (Symbol <-: (type)).

compiledfn sc_refer_type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type u64 Symbol)).

compiledfn sc_sampled_image_type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type)).

compiledfn sc_scope_at ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Scope Value) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_scope_bind ( ... )

An external function of type (Scope <-: (Scope Value Value)).

compiledfn sc_scope_bind_with_docstring ( ... )

An external function of type (Scope <-: (Scope Value Value string)).

compiledfn sc_scope_docstring ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (Scope Value)).

compiledfn sc_scope_get_parent ( ... )

An external function of type (Scope <-: (Scope)).

compiledfn sc_scope_local_at ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Scope Value) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_scope_module_docstring ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (Scope)).

compiledfn sc_scope_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Scope <-: ()).

compiledfn sc_scope_new_subscope ( ... )

An external function of type (Scope <-: (Scope)).

compiledfn sc_scope_new_subscope_with_docstring ( ... )

An external function of type (Scope <-: (Scope string)).

compiledfn sc_scope_new_with_docstring ( ... )

An external function of type (Scope <-: (string)).

compiledfn sc_scope_next ( ... )

An external function of type ((_: Value Value i32) <-: (Scope i32)).

compiledfn sc_scope_next_deleted ( ... )

An external function of type ((_: Value i32) <-: (Scope i32)).

compiledfn sc_scope_reparent ( ... )

An external function of type (Scope <-: (Scope Scope)).

compiledfn sc_scope_unbind ( ... )

An external function of type (Scope <-: (Scope Value)).

compiledfn sc_scope_unparent ( ... )

An external function of type (Scope <-: (Scope)).

compiledfn sc_set_globals ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Scope)).

compiledfn sc_set_signal_abort ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (bool)).

compiledfn sc_set_typecast_handler ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: ((opaque@ (Value <-: (Value type) raises Error)))).

compiledfn sc_spirv_to_glsl ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (string)).

compiledfn sc_string_buffer ( ... )

An external function of type ((_: (@ i8) usize) <-: (string)).

compiledfn sc_string_compare ( ... )

An external function of type (i32 <-: (string string)).

compiledfn sc_string_count ( ... )

An external function of type (usize <-: (string)).

compiledfn sc_string_join ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (string string)).

compiledfn sc_string_lslice ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (string usize)).

compiledfn sc_string_match ( ... )

An external function of type ((_: bool i32 i32) <-: (string string) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_string_new ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: ((@ i8) usize)).

compiledfn sc_string_new_from_cstr ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: ((@ i8))).

compiledfn sc_string_rslice ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (string usize)).

compiledfn sc_strip_qualifiers ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type)).

compiledfn sc_switch_append ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Value Value)).

compiledfn sc_switch_append_case ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Value Value Value)).

compiledfn sc_switch_append_default ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Value Value)).

compiledfn sc_switch_append_do ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Value Value)).

compiledfn sc_switch_append_pass ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Value Value Value)).

compiledfn sc_switch_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_symbol_count ( ... )

An external function of type (usize <-: ()).

compiledfn sc_symbol_is_variadic ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (Symbol)).

compiledfn sc_symbol_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Symbol <-: (string)).

compiledfn sc_symbol_new_unique ( ... )

An external function of type (Symbol <-: (string)).

compiledfn sc_symbol_style ( ... )

An external function of type (Symbol <-: (Symbol)).

compiledfn sc_symbol_to_string ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (Symbol)).

compiledfn sc_template_append_parameter ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Value Value)).

compiledfn sc_template_get_name ( ... )

An external function of type (Symbol <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_template_is_inline ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_template_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Symbol)).

compiledfn sc_template_parameter ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value i32)).

compiledfn sc_template_parameter_count ( ... )

An external function of type (i32 <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_template_set_body ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Value Value)).

compiledfn sc_template_set_inline ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_template_set_name ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Value Symbol)).

compiledfn sc_tuple_type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (i32 (@ type)) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_type_alignof ( ... )

An external function of type (usize <-: (type) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_type_at ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (type Symbol) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_type_bitcountof ( ... )

An external function of type (i32 <-: (type)).

compiledfn sc_type_compatible ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (type type)).

compiledfn sc_type_countof ( ... )

An external function of type (i32 <-: (type) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_type_debug_abi ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (type)).

compiledfn sc_type_del_symbol ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (type Symbol)).

compiledfn sc_type_element_at ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type i32) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_type_field_index ( ... )

An external function of type (i32 <-: (type Symbol) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_type_field_name ( ... )

An external function of type (Symbol <-: (type i32) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_type_get_docstring ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (type Symbol)).

compiledfn sc_type_is_default_suffix ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (type)).

compiledfn sc_type_is_opaque ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (type)).

compiledfn sc_type_is_plain ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (type)).

compiledfn sc_type_is_refer ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (type)).

compiledfn sc_type_is_superof ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (type type)).

compiledfn sc_type_is_unsized ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (type) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_type_is_view ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (type)).

compiledfn sc_type_key ( ... )

An external function of type ((_: Symbol type) <-: (type)).

compiledfn sc_type_kind ( ... )

An external function of type (i32 <-: (type)).

compiledfn sc_type_local_at ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (type Symbol) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_type_next ( ... )

An external function of type ((_: Symbol Value) <-: (type Symbol)).

compiledfn sc_type_offsetof ( ... )

An external function of type (usize <-: (type i32) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_type_set_docstring ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (type Symbol string)).

compiledfn sc_type_set_symbol ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (type Symbol Value)).

compiledfn sc_type_sizeof ( ... )

An external function of type (usize <-: (type) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_type_storage ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_type_string ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (type)).

compiledfn sc_typename_type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (string type) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_typename_type_get_super ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type)).

compiledfn sc_typename_type_set_opaque ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (type) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_typename_type_set_storage ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (type type u32) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_typify ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Closure i32 (@ type)) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_typify_template ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value i32 (@ type)) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_union_storage_type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (i32 (@ type)) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_unique_type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type i32)).

compiledfn sc_unquote_new ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_value_anchor ( ... )

An external function of type (Anchor <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_value_ast_repr ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_value_block_depth ( ... )

An external function of type (i32 <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_value_compare ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (Value Value)).

compiledfn sc_value_content_repr ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_value_is_constant ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_value_is_pure ( ... )

An external function of type (bool <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_value_kind ( ... )

An external function of type (i32 <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_value_kind_string ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (i32)).

compiledfn sc_value_qualified_type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_value_repr ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_value_tostring ( ... )

An external function of type (string <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_value_type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (Value)).

compiledfn sc_value_unwrap ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (type Value)).

compiledfn sc_value_wrap ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (type Value)).

compiledfn sc_valueref_tag ( ... )

An external function of type (Value <-: (Anchor Value)).

compiledfn sc_vector_type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type usize) raises Error).

compiledfn sc_view_type ( ... )

An external function of type (type <-: (type i32)).

compiledfn sc_write ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (string)).

compiledfn set-globals! ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (Scope)).

compiledfn set-signal-abort! ( ... )

An external function of type (void <-: (bool)).

compiledfn spice-macro-verify-signature ( ... )

A compiled function of type (void <-: ((opaque@ (Value <-: (Value) raises Error)))).

compiledfn symbol-handler ( ... )

A compiled function of type ((_: List Scope) <-: (List Scope) raises Error).

compiledfn trap ( ... )

An external function of type (noreturn <-: ()).